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Humantic AI is a Buyer Intelligence platform for revenue teams. They use Personality AI to help revenue teams identify early adopters, personalize outreach, and provide customer insights for every deal. The platform allows sales teams to do more with less, making them more resilient in challenging economic environments. By using personality insights, sales teams can research and connect with prospects on a deeper level, personalize sales communications, and build rapport to close more deals. Humantic AI is the only platform that focuses on buyers rather than salespeople, bringing a unique perspective to sales intelligence. Humantic AI offers several features to help revenue teams improve their sales performance. These include early adopter identification, automated enrichment, a Personality AI Assistant, calendar integration, and 1-click personalization. By using Humantic AI, sales teams can enhance their response rates, improve their close rates, and establish long-term trust with their prospects. The platform is rated #1 for 'Ease of Use' in G2's Summer 2022 report, making it a reliable and user-friendly tool for revenue teams.