AI Proposal


Tome is an AI-powered format that allows anyone, from storytellers to business leaders, to create compelling stories effortlessly. It is the world's first generative storytelling format that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to help users create immersive narratives. With Tome, you can use a command bar to generate presentations, outlines, or complete stories with just a single click. The AI features of Tome make it a magical creation experience, allowing you to add a wide range of content, including text, images, 3D models, animations, and AV overlays, to give your work critical context. Tome also offers integrations with popular tools like Figma, Spline, Twitter, YouTube, Framer, and Miro, so you can easily embed live, interactive product mocks, 3D prototypes, data, web pages, and more directly onto your page. What sets Tome apart is its immersive viewing experience, with dynamic, mobile-responsive layouts that adjust your content to fit any device. You can easily share your Tome with others via email, text message, or social media using a single link. Additionally, Tome provides analytics to track who has viewed your work. Whether you're a founder, executive, marketer, salesperson, designer, or educator, Tome offers templates and features to suit your storytelling needs.