There're three major pieces of this puzzle.

1) Your profile - What makes for a credible profile? What are some characteristics of a Linkedin profile a prospect would like to engage with? How do you make it work for you?
2) The Prospects - Who should you reach out to (what decision makers)? How do you find them?
3) The message - What are the characteristics of a campaign that books meetings? Is there something special that works on this platform? When and how frequently to reach out?
We'll try to briefly go over all three. Why? You don't have to get a masters, you just need to know enough to get started. You just need to know the rules. Playing the game is the most effective way to master it.
Let's start with the Profile.
The Profile
It's easy to ignore the profile and commit the mistake of directly starting to send connection requests.
This is more common with people coming from a cold-email background. Where you just need to spin up an email account from a custom domain, add a profile photo and you're ready to start sending.
It's a bit different here. Investigating the profile of a message sender is so much low friction.
The components:
We're only going to cover the important parts here and skip the ones which are not super important for today.

Profile Photo
Just make sure to choose a headshot that is clear, well-lit, and appropriate for a professional setting. A small smile goes a long way :)
This is the most important. Not everyone's going go to check out your entire profile but almost everyone's going to read the headline. A good practise is to include phrases about your current or previous role at different companies, anything you're really proud of or a phrase that describes what you do. Bonus marks for some level of uniqueness. Never hurts take some inspiration.
Worst case, just ask chatgpt to write one for you. Use it with caution.

Not the most important one. This is probably the best place to share your story, share why you're here and add a clear call to action.
Experience & Education
Sorry, the world follows credentials. You don't have to be a Stanford grad or a google employee but relevant experience and education in your claimed area of "expertise" will definitely register some positive signals.
Skills & Recommendations
"Do 10 people vouch for the skills you claim to posses? You must be good at it then."
This is the Linkedin's skill section in a nutshell. You add you skills. People endorse those skills. You establish some extra credibility.
Recommendations work on similar lines. You can add a note about someone you shared a relationship with. Others can do the same for you.

This section happens to reside super deep on the page, hence, not many people would go through it.
Okay. This is one section which has a lot of tricks and hidden flows. We'll discuss the basics first and uncover the uncanny stuff later.
Forget Linkedin. Try to define your initial ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) first. If you're just starting, I understand you won't know your ICP. You start to discover it as you do more projects/listen more from your users. The larger the sample size, the more confident you could be. But.. you need to start somewhere. Define a hypothesis. For instance, you start a SEO agency, you "believe" that "early stage saas companies" would make for great customers of your service. It's okay to be proven wrong later on or adjust it as you hear feedback from the market. But I don't think it's a bad idea to start from a narrow segment and pivot, expand or further shrink from the initial thesis.
Pretty obvious. Once you understand who're the decision makers you need to reach out to, its time to finally start prospecting. Following are good places to start from:
- job title (ex: founder, vp of sales, intern etc.)
- location (ex: San francisco)
- school (ex: ucla, brown, etc.)
- industry (ex: finance, ecommerce, etc.)
- company name (ex: meta, google, etc.)
It's mostly about reverse engineering what elements you'd add to your profile if you were the prospect and understanding what element are searchable.
See if you can spot some patterns. For instance, "founder at Stealth or co-founder at stealth" is majorly used by early stage tech companies.
Some tricks to refine the search results:
- Exact phrases
Simply enclose the phrase with double quotes ("") to make sure to include only only return profiles with that exact phrase in the headline, summary, or job title in the search results. - Union phrases
Use the OR operator to broaden your search: For example, searching for "software engineer" OR "developer" will return profiles that have either term in the headline, summary, or job title. - Intersection phrases
Use the AND operator to narrow your search: For example, searching for "software engineer" AND "San Francisco" will only return profiles that have both terms in the headline, summary, or job title. - Unwanted phrases
Use the NOT operator to exclude certain terms from your search: For example, searching for "software engineer" NOT "San Francisco" will return profiles that have "software engineer" in the headline, summary, or job title but not "San Francisco." - Priority
Use parentheses to group search terms: For example, searching for (software engineer OR developer) AND (San Francisco OR Los Angeles) will return profiles that have either "software engineer" or "developer" in the headline, summary, or job title and either "San Francisco" or "Los Angeles" in the location field.
Jobs Search
Hold tight. Few people know about this. Those who do, love it. There're entire companies that exist on the premise of this.
Let's say you have a saas that generates 1000's of images for social media in a few minutes.
Go to and search for "graphic designer" or "social media manager". You have a list of companies (including the person who posted the job in most case) who're looking to expand their social media efforts and have a budget in place. Not saying it's going to be easy but if you can nail the offer, you'll build a pretty solid case for yourself.

You can even set alerts for the same. How cool is that, free leads in your inbox :)
Sales Navigator
Connection Requests
Message Sequences
Automate your Linkedin outreach
Super Send helps you automate Linkedin messages, connection requests and profile views.
Step 1
Filter out the prospects you'd like to reach out to

Step 2
Download this a csv. // add a method for this
Step 3
Upload the CSV.

Step 4
Connect your Linkedin Account
Download our chrome extension:
Once you log in to linkedin, it will grab the credentials of whomever you are currently logged in as.
If you need to attach more than one profile, try chrome profiles to add multiple users.
You do not need to keep the web browser open for the linkedin automation to work.
Step 5
Create a sequence

Step 6
Watch Linkedin book meetings for you 😎
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