- 🐞 bug fix on the chrome extension
- ✅ auto check dmark and dkim on the sender page
- 💨 try to speed up dashboard loading and campaign saving performance
- 🌙 some ui fixes for dark mode
- 📑 paginate senders page
- 📆 multiple schedules - you can now send campaigns in multiple different timeframes (within the same timezone)!
- ⌛️ revision history - restore previous versions of a sequence
- 🚨 emergency sequence logging - log out the sequence to the console by hitting "command + shift" in case of saving errors.
- 📊 Performance Page - compare all your campaings across various teams, and users https://supersend.io/team/performance
- 📧 Auto list unsubscribe headers when the campaign has the "unsubscribe" heading turned on. This helps reduce the number of spam reports by giving people an easy way to unsubscribe.
- ✨ The ai subject + body rewriter on the email node will now let you apply the variations to your B, C and D tests to very quickly get B/C/D test variants.
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